Quantitative foresight modeling to inform the CGIAR research portfolio

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Agricultural growth and sex-disaggregated employment in Africa: Future perspectives under different investment scenarios

Posted by on 2021-09-28

Literature is scanty on how public agricultural investments can help reducing the impact of future challenges such as climate change and population pressure on national economies. The objective of this study is to assess the medium and long-term effects of alternative agricultural research and development investment scenarios on male and…


Foresight Synthesis Briefs (1)

Posted by Gideon Kruseman on 2023-09-11

Making foresight material interoperable

Posted by Gideon Kruseman on 2024-03-01

This report provides a quantitative assessment of the impacts of alternative investment options on the CGIAR’s SLOs (relating to poverty – SLO1, food and nutrition security – SLO2, and natural resources and ecosystem services – SLO3) in the context of changes in population, income, technology, and climate to 2050 as well as for key SDGs of importance to the developing world. The report serves as a source of information and evidence of the impact of CGIAR efforts in agricultural R&D as well as the role of complementary investments. It is intended to help the CGIAR Centers, CG Research Programs (CRP), system management, and donors to complement other efforts to assess the overall impact and benefits of investing in international and national agricultural research programs.