Extracting and sub-setting geospatial climate data for crop modelling

Brief model summary

Several platforms provide open-access geospatial data from satellites, ground observations, and model outputs, managed by agencies such as NASA and ECMWF. These data sources vary widely in format and structure, tailored to their specific objectives. For example, atmospheric reanalysis datasets often feature high temporal resolutions and large volumes, requiring significant computational resources to handle. In agricultural research, there is a focus on surface weather variables, which must often be extracted from broader geospatial datasets. Furthermore, agricultural researchers commonly require data in formats different from the original, creating bottlenecks as processing tools may not be compatible with standard geophysical data formats.

Fig 1. Clim2Agri factsheet

Clim2Agri is a Python tool developed to streamline access and processing of climate data for the agricultural research community, specifically for crop modeling and analysis. It enables extraction and subsetting of climate data from diverse gridded products and formats, transforming them into formats commonly used in agricultural research (e.g., CSV, TXT). Hosted on the CGIAR Foresight Initiative GitHub repository, Clim2Agri facilitates single-point time-series extraction, allowing users to specify variables, data products, and output formats suited to crop models like DSSAT, AquaCrop, and APSIM by simply inputting geographical coordinates. This adaptability makes Clim2Agri an essential resource for varied agricultural research applications.

Model workflow

Input data

Clim2Agri supports various gridded climate data products. The following table shows the products and variables provided by them.

List of variables provided by each selected gridded climate data product.

T dewxx
Relative Humidityx
Vapor pressurex

Output metrics

Clim2Agri extracts climate data from the above presented products, to generate output files in the format required by various crop simulation models, as schematized in workflow figure. The supported crop models include:

Software requirements

The tool for extracting climate and weather data for crop models is Python-based.


User Documentation

There is a report on Clim2Agri (see general documentation below) That includes a user guide how to use the code.

Model code

The model code of Clim2Agri is available as open source code through CGIAR Foresight Initiative GitHub repository:


General documentation

Montes, C., & Gómez, F. (2023). Clim2Agri version 1.0. CIMMYT. https://hdl.handle.net/11529/10549012

Please use this document as reference when citing the use of Clim2Agri.


The development of Clim2Agri was supported by the CGIAR initiative on Foresight.