December 2024
Rural Investment and Policy Analysis model information page.
data linkage page for interlinked (nexus) social accounting matrices used in computable general equilibrium models.
IPR tool kit
Tool for updating yield growth parameters used in quantitative foresight models.
November 2024
Clim2Agri is a tool for extracting climate data for use in crop growth models.
October 2024
Linked Economic and Animal Systems model
The Linked Economic and Animal Systems (LEAS) model is a newly developed tool aimed at properly positioning the livestock system within the economywide modeling framework.
Finding WorldClim data at pixel level
Shiny application uses the API of WorlClim data set for getting climate data with coordinates taken by clicking on an interactive map or by typing on a text box.
Economic Modelling Online Training Materials
The Foresight Initiative invested in the development of online training materials on economic modeling. This led to the design of 7 training modules covering introduction to models and economic modeling, and two separate tracks for multi-market modeling and CGE modeling.
New posts in the series “What do we know about the future of X”
Food, land, and water systems face daunting challenges in the future, and the body of research exploring these challenges is growing rapidly. This series of notes was launched in 2022 by the CGIAR Foresight Initiative to summarize what we know today about the future of various aspects of food systems. The goal of these notes is to serve as a quick reference, point to further information, and help guide future research and decisions.
- What do we know about the future of urbanization in relation to food system transformation?
- What do we know about the future of food systems innovation?
August 2024
Updated blogpost page
We updated the blog post page to allow both recent posts and a link to the archive of older posts.
July 2024
GloMIP is the global public platform for sharing market intelligence to inform the targeting, design, and delivery of products and technology and guide R&D investment decisions by the CGIAR and its network of partners and investors. The platform aims to harness the best market intelligence in building cases for investments across the five CGIAR Impact Areas.